Extended scancodes in sendinput

A while ago I wrote a virtual KVM program that would allow you to drive the keyboard and mouse of other computers (even cross-platform), using a single host machine. Communication was done over the network. I kept track a the "virtual" position of the mouse, and if you veered into the screen position of another computer I would eat all keystrokes / mouse movement via a hook and replay it on the other machine. https://github.com/michaelwda/OutsideTheBox/blob/master/OTB.Core/Hook/Platform/Windows/WindowsGlobalHook.cs

Pretty fun code to write, for a toy project. I ran into some interesting things regarding keyboard input. Really the best method here is to go as low-level as possible. On Windows I decided to use SendInput, but it would probably be even better to write a virtual keyboard/mouse driver.

When using SendInput, you can specify that it's a keyboard input and send the scancodes directly. This gives you lots of power to replay keystrokes exactly, but it was a little tricky when trying to replay extended scancodes.

From some old comments of mine:

* The extended-key flag indicates whether the keystroke message originated from one of the additional keys on the enhanced keyboard.
* The extended keys consist of the ALT and CTRL keys on the right-hand side of the keyboard; the INS, DEL, HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, and arrow keys in the clusters
* to the left of the numeric keypad; the NUM LOCK key; the BREAK (CTRL+PAUSE) key; the PRINT SCRN key; and the divide (/) and ENTER keys in the numeric keypad. The extended-key flag is set if the key is an extended key.

If you're trying to replay an extended scancode via sendinput, you have to pass an array of scancodes with the first one being 0Xe0.

 public override void SendKeyDown(Key key)
            int tscancode;
            VirtualKeys tvk;
            int tflags;
            var keyup = false;
            var altDown = KeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Key.AltLeft) || KeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Key.AltRight);
            bool extended;
            WinKeyMap.ReverseTranslateKey(key, keyup, altDown, out tscancode, out tvk, out tflags, out extended);

            bool sysKey = (!altDown && key == Key.AltLeft) || (!altDown && key == Key.AltRight) || ((key != Key.AltLeft && key != Key.AltRight && altDown));

            var dwFlags = 0x0008;
            if (extended)
                dwFlags = dwFlags | 0x0001;

            var altdown = ((tflags) & ((int)KeyFlags.KF_ALTDOWN >> 8)) > 0;
            var dlgmode = ((tflags) & ((int)KeyFlags.KF_DLGMODE >> 8)) > 0;
            var menumode = ((tflags) & ((int)KeyFlags.KF_MENUMODE >> 8)) > 0;
            var repeat = ((tflags) & ((int)KeyFlags.KF_REPEAT >> 8)) > 0;
            var up = ((tflags) & ((int)KeyFlags.KF_UP >> 8)) > 0;

            KeyboardState.SetKeyState(key, true);

            NativeMethods.INPUT[] inputs;
            if (extended)
                inputs = new[]
                    new NativeMethods.INPUT
                        type = NativeMethods.INPUT_KEYBOARD,

                        u = new NativeMethods.InputUnion
                            ki = new NativeMethods.KEYBDINPUT()
                                wScan = (ushort) 0xe0,
                                wVk = (ushort) 0,
                                dwFlags = (ushort) 0,
                                dwExtraInfo = NativeMethods.GetMessageExtraInfo()
                    new NativeMethods.INPUT
                        type = NativeMethods.INPUT_KEYBOARD,

                        u = new NativeMethods.InputUnion
                            ki = new NativeMethods.KEYBDINPUT()
                                wScan = (ushort) tscancode,
                                wVk = (ushort) tvk,
                                dwFlags = (ushort) dwFlags,
                                dwExtraInfo = NativeMethods.GetMessageExtraInfo()
                inputs = new[]
                    new NativeMethods.INPUT
                        type = NativeMethods.INPUT_KEYBOARD,

                        u = new NativeMethods.InputUnion
                            ki = new NativeMethods.KEYBDINPUT()
                                wScan = (ushort) tscancode,
                                wVk = (ushort) tvk,
                                dwFlags = (ushort) dwFlags,
                                dwExtraInfo = NativeMethods.GetMessageExtraInfo()

            NativeMethods.SendInput((uint)inputs.Length, inputs, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.INPUT)));

I couldn't find this documented ANYWHERE except in a footnote of an image in some scanned documentation. Maybe it's in some manuals somewhere, but I had the hardest time figuring it out.

At some point I'm going to reboot and completely rewrite this project, especially now that C# has traits :)